April 25, 2024

My child does not want to go to bed: 3 tips to help him sleep

Every night, it's the same thing: your child is having a fit to go sleep. Yet, sure, it shows, he is tired. GirlsFromMainStreet is trying to help you solve this problem by giving you 3 important tips to make it go to bed more easily.


Tip # 1: Remove all noise and light pollution

It does not necessarily think but an alarm clock in the room of a child, because of the ticking or the illuminated dial, may disturb the sleep a child. Not to mention the sound of the TV in the next room ... A night light to the brightness too strong has the same effects. It is therefore important to remove all these genes to help your child to sleep.


Tip # 2: Make your fears disappear

A lot of'children back off the moment to sleep because they are afraid! It can range from the fear of the dark to the fear of the wicked witch who will eat them all raw. It is therefore important to defuse this mechanism of fear if you want your child fell asleep. Because it is impossible, including for an adult, to fall asleep in fear. Create a reassuring atmosphere for your child before falling asleep with a little trickle of light if he is afraid of the dark and tell him about a nice fairy who watches over him to protect him from evil wizards. Finally remind him that you are here and that nothing can happen to him.


Tip # 3: Do not send your child to sleep brutally

Allow about 30 minutes between the time you send your child himself sleep and the moment he really goes to sleep. Thanks to a return to calm, by reading or otherwise, he will fall asleep easily and will not live the sleep as a constraint or a punishment.

How to Get a Child to Sleep in His Bed | Child Psychology (April 2024)