July 3, 2024

My child is lying, it's serious doctor?

Why is he lying?

In the youngest children, lying means crying, your child understands very well that crying brings his parents, so he tends to abuse it. As soon as he begins to express himself around the age of 3-4, the child tends to make his imagination work, he says that he saw a wolf in the street, that he flew into the day is a normal attitude. He can also make little lies to get what he wants. For example he can tell you that he did not take to taste only to have another cake. True lies begin around 6-7 years old. As a rule, the child lies to avoid punishment.

What to face the lie of his child? The opinion of the psychiatrist.

It is important to pay attention to what you say. If you tend to lie to those around you and the child witnesses this lie, he will tend to imitate you, considering that the lie is not serious. Try to understand why he is lying, it is recommended to first look for the causes of these lies. These lies can be a way for him to express his feelings and fears. Do not be too harsh with your child when you know he's lying to you about something. Listen to your child and make him understand that lying is not a good attitude.

Mom's advice

Claire, mother of Louison, 8 years old: "I have a foolproof thing to know if Louison lies, I use the method ColumboI play the naive mother by asking lots of questions to Louison and very quickly she becomes confused and realizes that she is unmasked, we always end up laughing ... ".

Sick of Your Child Lying? This is How to Make it Stop. (July 2024)