April 24, 2024

My child is scared! Interview of psychotherapist Anne Bacus

What is the role of fear?

It has a protective role. This stress increases the physical capacities of reaction and memorization of the danger ... But this system of protection works to a certain point. Beyond that, it happens that one is overwhelmed by the fear and one loses then its capacities.

Do we have to worry when their child is "scared"?

No, unless it prevents the child from living normally, or if it impinges on his free development. For example when one begins to observe social repercussions.

What is the difference between phobia and fear?

Fear is a natural defensive mechanism, it protects from danger. Phobia is an intense, uncontrollable and excessive anxiety when faced with a non-dangerous element. It is therefore unjustified. Unlike fear, phobia proves very embarrassing in social life! For example, if he refuses to go out on the street for fear of falling on a dog!

Does television have an influence on fear?

Yes, television has a huge impact. For there is an intrusion of the image into the psyche. Often, fear is crystallized around images seen on television, which cause nightmares. When we tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood to a child, his imagination plays a role of filter. But to see the wolf devouring the grandmother on television is much more striking!

How to reassure a child who is afraid?

To help him tame his fear, it is better to keep calm. It should not be trivialized, ridiculed, or embodied. It is very difficult to find a balance. If the child is afraid of getting lost, he must be reassured, show him in each place (super market, park) that he is safe, using simple words.

Mitski - Nobody (Official Video) (April 2024)