April 25, 2024

My pregnancy week by week: week 15

Your little "tenant" is evolving ... Pamper him by feeding you well, aerating, humming ...

Although baby move a lot, you do not feel anything, if it's your first baby, but otherwise you will perceive these little fleeting waves that run through your belly. Your uterus has grown larger and outgrown the size of the grapefruit to approach that of the coconut. That said, your belly still does not seem very big if your weight gain is normal. The hormonal production of the moment gives you beautiful hair and strong nails!

Your baby
In this fifteenth week, your baby weighs approximately 135 g and measures 16 cm from the head to the heels. The amniotic fluid enters and leaves his lungs and the ion can observe rapid movements of his chest. At this point, his heart presents the same electrocardiogram as that of an adult. His hair and hair continue to grow and a light down begins to cover his body to maintain a constant temperature.

And the future dad?
He is swimming in happiness. Certainly, he wonders if he will have a son or a daughter, but at the same time he finds you seductive, desirable and even seductive, even tempting ... because progesterone, very active in this period, stimulates your desire.

Good to know
If you are 40 years old or older, if you are expecting twins, your pregnancy is more supervised and leads to more examinations, to check that it is going well.

Health Notebook / Exam Notepad
This is the week of your second mandatory medical checkup. You will be prescribed various tests, including a blood test to find the HT 21 (safety check for trisomy 21) and check the dosage of alpha-fetoproteins (to identify central nervous system malformations) .
If you are over 38 years of age, depending on the result of HT 21 research, it may be decided to perform an amniocentesis that irrefutably verifies a disease or malformation.
The doctor also checks, during this visit, your weight, your blood pressure and the condition of your cervix.
Notepad formalities
Be aware that if you are over 38 years of age or if you have a chromosomal abnormality or risk threshold of 1/250, amniocentesis is totally covered by health insurance.

Our advices
Examinations at this stage are routine examinations. Indeed, if there is a family history of fetal malformation or trisomy, you have, from the 8e pregnancy week, undergone extensive examinations. Do not be alarmed unnecessarily while waiting for results.

15 Weeks Pregnant: What To Expect - Channel Mum (April 2024)