May 3, 2024

My special cold food

This time, that's it! Winter has arrived: snow, ice, fog and frost are on the agenda. As a result of this episode glagla, a furious desire to stay under the duvet or to wear 4 layers of clothing, and chained hot chocolates. To revive our indoor boiler and fight against the cold, some tips nutrition necessary.

Tip # 1: Have a good breakfast
In winter, there is no question of going out on an empty stomach ... In fact, to resist the cold, the body needs energy. With falling temperatures, the body burns more calories to stay at a constant temperature. Also it is important to feed the boiler with nutritious foods.

Tip # 2: bet on slow sugars
Rice, pasta, boulghour ... as many foods recommended for athletes but also to resist the cold. At lunch, eat balanced by composing your plate with proteins (meats, fish, eggs), slow sugars and legumes to fill up with vitamins.

Tip # 3: Eating balanced
In winter, there is no need to force quantities ... It is not a question of doubling the shares but of eating balanced to avoid deficiencies.

Tip # 4: Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is a fake friend ... If at first you have the impression that alcohol is warming up, in the end it's the opposite effect that happens. To warm up from the inside, think of tea, hot chocolate, infusions ...

Tip # 5: Choose Omega 3
Rich in Omega 3 fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel ...) are recommended as part of a diet adapted to low temperatures. It is no coincidence that Danish and Finnish are masters in the art of cooking salmon and herring.

Tip # 6: a small hollow
In case of a dip, rather than cracking on a pastry, think of cereal bars, or a piece of baguette with 2 squares of chocolate, more energy and healthy than an industrial pastry.

Hot Cold Food Vs. Cold Hot Food Taste Test (May 2024)