May 3, 2024

Numerology 2015 - destiny number 9

Numerology 2015 - destiny number 9


Many annoyances will throw you in disarray in April and May. You will wonder if the man (woman) of your life will one day understand you. At times, you will feel very lonely. Still, do not dramatize the situation. You are disappointed because you have too idealized your relationships. In summer and fall, new sentimental adventures in perspective, as long as it lasts! Carried away in a burst of euphoria, you will not know where to stop, always ready to throw yourself in the neck of the first comer. How, under these conditions, avoid the disappointments, especially if, in good faith, you made your partners believe for a day that you would love them forever?

Job :

Luck will work in your favor between February and May. It will be conducive to the success of some bold moves, but do not overdo it. The period from June to October should improve the daily working conditions: increase of the customers among the self-employed, possibility of a promotion or a more pleasant work for the employees. But it will be a question of being cautious on the associative level.

A better balanced and at the same time more energetic food will allow you to escape all the small digestive or intestinal disorders that will reach you frequently, especially from March to July. Beware of your greed and know how to resist. A bit of aerophagia running autumn; ban soft drinks and raw vegetables. Also avoid chewing gum. And above all, eat slowly, in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Do not talk too much either.

Money :
Financially, you will enjoy a significant truce between March and August. On the other hand, you will have in the autumn almost irresistible purchase desires. It will then moderate your ardor, otherwise you risk seriously compromise your material situation! In September and November, your chances of making excellent financial transactions or real estate transactions will be increased.

Destiny Number 9 Secrets Revealed (AKA. Expression Number 9) (May 2024)