April 24, 2024

Our advice: when the arrival of baby raises questions


The fall of the cord usually occurs between three and fifteen days after the birth of baby. If the cord did not fall out of the maternity, it will be necessary to follow some rules of hygiene:

- Clean two to three times daily until the umbilicus is perfectly healed.
- Leave in the open air if the umbilicus does not tend to ooze.
- Fold the edge of the layer to prevent it from irritating the cord.

What to do after the fall of the cord?

- Clean the belly button correctly with an antiseptic solution until it is perfectly healed.

If it still oozes after a few days, go to the doctor or pediatrician who will help the navel to cauterize.


In the first few weeks they are frequent. Thanks to these sneezes, the infant expels the mucus that accumulates in his nostrils. Mom is reassured?

The fontanelle

This is the diamond shaped part that is at the top of the skull of baby, where the bones are not yet welded. It remains soft for up to twelve or eighteen months. This part is fragile and therefore impressive.


It is common among newborns but they are not dangerous or annoying. It is caused by distention of the stomach caused by a large meal or taken too quickly. What to do ? To put the baby on your stomach or on your shoulder by tapping his back very gently and wait for the hiccups to pass.

Blistered lips

These bulbs usually appear on the lower and upper lips and are due to repeated suctions. Above all, do not try to pierce them.

???? Dr. Bill Sears on How to Raise a Smarter Baby - #4 (April 2024)