April 25, 2024

Parents-children: how to find the right authority?

Being a parent would be the most beautiful, but also the most difficult of trades. Have authority over your child is one of those difficulties that parents sometimes have trouble exercising.
Thechild needs prohibitions, set limits, establish rules. It is better to find the happy medium. It is this authority that will allow them to be in no extremes.

How to do it ?
The goal is not to oppress his child, that he feels he has parents invading, constantly on his back.
The middle ? Being firm but "cool", explain to your children each decision taken (justify your refusals in particular). The authority is exercised by the father and the mother, who must be complementary. The mother says no, the father must follow (as for whims) while showing firmness, keep his positions without yielding. You are parentsyou have all the legitimacy to do it. Exercise is not easy, the reason for sticking to it at an early age. A lot of parents throw in the towel, feel tired, overwhelmed, afraid not to feel loved by showing authority. Yet nothing is lost, there is still time to get back on top.

A child must feel the love and confidence that his parents place in him. Dialogue must be a pillar of their relationships. To have authority over them is also to teach them to live in society, and to respect the rules that are established there.

Parents, Do Not Provoke Your Children (Ephesians 6:4) (April 2024)