April 25, 2024

Philippe Forest returns to the novel in "The New Love"

After All children except one, a dive into nothingness in search of answers, of meaning in the face of the death of his daughter Pauline, who died at the age of four years of illness, Philippe Forest returns to the novel in New Love (in bookstore August 23).
In this book, the narrator, married to his wife for more than twelve years, falls in love with Lou. "The love of one took nothing away from the love of the other and left him intact, intact." Each of these loves was born as a world apart and parallel where he was the sole sovereign, "writes Philippe Forest . The couple of lovers meet regularly, while continuing to love each other, each on his own. The author experiences the intoxication of love, its melancholy.
Essayist and novelist born in 1962, Philippe Forest also wrote three novels: The eternal child, who won the Femina Prize of the First Roman 1997, All night long (1999) and Sarinagara, Price December 2004.
Philippe Forest, The new love
White Collection - Gallimard
Released: August 23
16 euros

Marcel Proust: Biography, Quotes, Books, In Search of Lost Time, Education, Facts (2000) (April 2024)