April 23, 2024

Pregnancy: drop the mask

The mask of pregnancy, also called melasma, is characterized by brown spots on the forehead, temples, cheeks, the perimeter of the mouth, the chin and even sometimes the nose. It is a hyper pigmentation of the skin due to the combination of hormones and sun. During the pregnancy, the rate of estrogen, female hormones, increases considerably. These stimulate the cells that synthesize melanin, the pigment that stains the skin during sun exposure to protect it from harmful rays.
When a woman decides to get a tan, the skin pigments naturally. If she is pregnant, this process is amplified by the action of hormones. The mask of pregnancy then appears. But not anytime. Indeed, brown spots occur especially between the fourth and sixth months and affect mostly women with matte skin.
To avoid them, only one solution: to refrain from any exposure to the sun and especially to protect the face with a total screen. Remember to renew the application every two hours. Also avoid scented and alcoholic products that can be photosensitizing, that is, cause redness on the skin.
If the mask of pregnancy is already here, do not panic. In most cases, it disappears on its own after delivery. Otherwise, seek advice from a dermatologist, who will prescribe a depigmenting cream or recommend a peel to overcome these unsightly spots.

10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know | Do & Don't (April 2024)