April 25, 2024

Slimming: blacklist, the top 10 food "fat-stock"

The mayonnaise
On average, a traditional mayonnaise provides 75g of fat for 100g! An advice ? Replace with cottage cheese with herbs.

The tarama
Made with fish eggs mixed with mayonnaise, tarama has a dizzying amount of fat: 60g / 100g.

The almond croissant
Puff pastry + almonds + butter ... No need to be an expert to understand that it's a real fat terrorist bomb of all diet thinness (35 g / 100g).

The sausages
Whether you prefer chipolatas or merguez, know that two sausages bring between 25 and 35g of fat! Imagine the end result if you add fries ...

The fries deliver between 15 and 36g of fats per 100g, and if they are the result of a high temperature cooking with coconut oil, the risk for the arteries is maximum.

The quiches
Between the filling and the dough, a portion of quiche contains about 25g of fat alone, a mustard burger is here largely preferable.

Crème brûlée
A small ramekin of crème brûlée is equivalent to one tablespoon of mayonnaise, or 26g of fat. For dessert, opt for a fruit.

Ice creams
Depending on the fragrances and components, ice creams can reach new heights in terms of fat. For a cool break, better still choose a sorbet.

Chocolate bars
The amount of fat varies between 7 and 17g per bar. In case of sweet desire, prefer a slice of gingerbread.

Breaded croquettes
100g of poultry or fish nuggets contain 12g of fat, (ie 1 tablespoon of oil) and a portion of blue cordon, 14g. Avoid at all costs the products pannés.

To know more : Fat-burning Carole Garnier and Anne Dufour, ed. Leduc's editions

After this painful listing, it is possible to console yourself by learning the right way to enjoy your Easter chocolates without murdering its slimming goals here.


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