April 23, 2024

Slimming menu 100% kiwi: Light salad of kiwis and strawberries

We finish everything in freshness, color and vitamins with this salad that will delight all girls who care about their weight! Here is the recipe for salad light kiwifruit and strawberries.

Ingredients (6 people):
10 kiwis,
300 g of strawberries,
the juice of 2 oranges,
1 teaspoon of pastis,
1 tablespoon brown sugar.
Peel the kiwis with a sharp knife and cut into slices.
Stir them strawberries and cut them into strips. Pour all the fruits in a salad bowl.
In a bowl, mix the juice of oranges, pastis and brown sugar.
Pour over the fruits and mix.
Place in the fridge before serving.

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