April 24, 2024

Small holiday ills: by the sea

Jellyfish stings

Beautiful and aerial in the water, the jellyfish has much less proud on the sand, but it is just as dangerous! Its tentacles have stinging cells, which if you touch them, inject venom, even if the jellyfish has been stranded for several weeks. The pain is then comparable to a burn, then follows a sharp irritation. Remove the stinging cells as quickly as possible, as they continue to deliver their venom after the sting. For this, apply vinegar, alcohol, bleach or even ... urine! Once the cells are removed, finish with an antiseptic. And again, if your child is stung in a sensitive area, take him directly to the first aid station.

The bites of vives

The live is a small fish that lives in the sand and likes to bask in the warm waters. Its backbones are sharp. If you step on it, you will feel like a break, then in a minute the pain and tingling will take up all your footing. For an adult, it is very painful, so for a baby ... To remove the venom, the easiest way is to dive your foot into a seal of hot water (at least 40 °) for a good half hour. If you see fragments of thorns, remove them with tweezers, disinfect them and wait! The pain, or at least some discomfort to walk, can last a few days.

The trick: play at the edge of the water, it's an opportunity to give baby "jellyfish", these famous plastic sandals ... And if you accompany it in its pies, know that jellyfish also exist for adults!

The insolations

"Put on your hat!" It may be repeated in all shades, not always easy to keep his bob to baby, especially in the water. After a few hours head in the sun, it has a headache, nausea, and may even vomit: it is theinsolation. He has a fever and his pulse is slow. You must immediately put it in the shade, cool your head with cold water or a damp cloth and give him plenty to drink. The sun is over! At least during the hours that follow. Finally, an aspirin before sleep is often recommended.

Heat stroke

Much more serious than theinsolationit occurs when it is very hot outside and the air does not circulate. The risk is particularly important in infants and the elderly. The body can no longer regulate its temperature, which can fly to more than 40 ° C with skin burning and dry. Immediately lay your baby in the shade, place wet and fresh towels all over his body and call for help.

The sun burns

The skin of children is very fragile. A few tens of minutes in the sun without being sufficiently protected and their skin heats and blushes, more or less burned. In the water, on the sand or, worse, on a boat, the reverberation is terrible! It is therefore strongly discouraged to put children in full sun between noon and 17h. Before and after, you do not leave tee-shirt and hat up to three years old, and you brush the whole screen body up and down. If despite everything there is sunburn, cool the area with warm water, put your child in the shade immediately and avoid the sun the following days. Finally, apply a thick layer of anti-scalding cream (Biafine type). If blisters are formed, it is because the skin has been burned in the 2nd degree. It will then buy tulle fat compresses to protect and help the regeneration of the skin, in addition to the cream.

The thing: the index of sunscreen must be at least 40, and it is very often and especially after every bath, even one that resists water, because it will not resist, then, the towel!

Buxton - Peak District Villages (April 2024)