May 19, 2024

Spinach: the essential vegetable to accompany a diet

Do not make a face! You are not a child anymore. The spinach often shunned abound with unsuspected virtues. Well cooked, the spinach are succulent. Anyone who is not convinced should customize their recipes by accompanying spinach with apples, parmesan or mozzarella. In addition to its hidden aromas, this vegetable has many nutritional benefits.

Did you know ? Catherine de Medici was so fond of spinach that it is she who decided to bring back the vegetable in France. It was not until the 20thth century with the cartoon Popeye to reconcile the spinach with the French!
The spinach : the ideal vegetable for a diet
The spinach have a very low rate of calories, only 36 calories for a serving of 200g. It is the ideal vegetable to accompany a diet. Low in calories, thespinach is packed with vitamins A, C, B9 and E but also iron and magnesium, perfect for recharging energy.
Choose the spinach :
It is advisable to choose leaves ofspinach well formed and colored, not stained and firm. Prefer young shoots often softer and less stringy. It is also advisable to consume spinach within two days of purchase.
Cooking spinach :
After having washed the leaves wellspinachyou must remove the stem by breaking it. To cook them, simply plunge them into the slightly salty boiling water. The spinach can also be stewed, steamed or in a wok.

The spinach are consumed from November to May. However, it is possible to consume all year long. Do not deprive yourself, and become a Popeye fit and good in his body!

Keto Recipe - Easy Creamed Spinach (May 2024)