April 25, 2024

Sweet muffins, salty muffins: it's going to move!

Sweet or salty, the base is about the same: 300 g of flour, 150 g of milk, 1 sachet of baking powder, 3 eggs and about 50g of butter. The hard part is choosing the ingredients that will make all the difference.
Salted muffins
For a aperitif nice this summer, a little muffin zucchini, cumin ham is welcome. It's fresh, it's melting. In the same kind, we find artichoke-bacon. The recipe requires to master the artichokes: we clean them, we turn them, or if you prefer, we peel them to keep only the heart, before cutting them into small pieces If you like fish, small pieces of smoked salmon in the dough and a little dill will make a muffin too good. And to stay in the sun, how about a muffin Greek way with feta and black olives? Whatever your choices, we add the ingredients at the end of the recipe before baking for 20 to 15 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees. Your wonders of muffins are cooked when the tip of the knife comes out clean.
Sweet muffins
There are muffins basic, without anything in it or with a very small ingredient like apple or pear ... they are super good, certainly, but question originality will iron. So I propose you an exceptional culinary trip to the land of muffins top guns. The first, the only and the only one to be stamped with impatience ... muffin in the heart of Nutella. To succeed, you have to fill the mold to muffins halfway, place a spoon of Nutella in the center and cover with the rest of the dough. To get an exotic side, do not look far: a frozen mango, to dice, fresh ginger, to grate. It is caramelized with butter and sugar in a pan before adding to the dough. The art of impressing your friends is also the art of changing flour! A bit of chestnut flour with classic wheat flour, ripe peaches and four spices and you can be sure your friends will be speechless.

Savory Bacon Cheddar Muffins (April 2024)