April 25, 2024

Teenager in school suffering: a guide for parents

Anxiety and stress grips them. Unmotivated, they often work without conviction and let go. They develop a negative image and feel ineffective. To protect themselves, some teens shut up on them, become critical, clown or become aggressive.

Where does this allergy come from?school ? Why is a teenager unmotivated? Why is he going to fail school ? The causes of demotivation are multiple and concern many families, in all social circles and everywhere in France: bad orientation, family problems, adolescence crisis, dyslexia, precocity, drugs or bad dating ... Faced with these situations of blockage, the families often find themselves powerless.

Goodbye questions, hello answers

Guide "How to put my teen to workMaria Poblete is aimed at parents who find themselves lost in situations of educational failure of their child and who wish above all to give them back the desire to learn and succeed.This guide is built from real cases of 'teens suffering school, decrypted and analyzed by experts (teachers, psychologists, guidance counselors, educators ...). It is easy to access and full of practical advice.

This reissue is also enriched with new elements, which will allow parents to find their own problem in the cases mentioned. A contextualization introduces each character which is then concluded by a part "Parents: what you can withdraw". For the author, this formula is more engaging and aims to support more parents: "It is even more to help them live their relationship with their child every day, to serve them and to make them feel guilty".

Who is Maria Poblete?

Journalist specializing in social issues, particularly in the sectors ofeducation, psychology and lifestyles, she is also a volunteer accompanist for children in difficulty in a Parisian college and director of the collection "How to help my teenager" at L'Etudiant. She has also published several books Cannabis, help my child stop (Editions L'Etudiant), The guide on theschool elementary (Hatier editions), Save the kindergarten (Bayard editions) ... The guide "How to help my teen at work? " is priced at 14.90 euros.

Two books in the same collection are released on October 13: "Putting my teen in internship: the right solution"Renée Greusard and"How to help my teen find his way?Brigitte Calame.

Find Maria Poblete's interview by clicking here.

10 Things You Should Never Say to Teens (April 2024)