April 20, 2024

The desires of pregnant women

What do we call "the desires of women pregnant "?

These are atypical and new food desires experienced by women during their pregnancy. They often manifest themselves from the first months. Indeed, the first quarter is for many women a period of nausea. These are due to the hormonal changes that take place, changing the perception of food tastes.

Superstitions related to these desires

Despite scientific knowledge developed, the maturation of a child in the belly of his mother keeps a mysterious and magical aspect in the collective imagination: the women pregnant fascinates. In the minds of some, it seems dangerous to upset her, for fear of the possible consequences on the future baby. Hence the superstitions around the future mother.
In the popular tradition, it was made unsatisfied cravings responsible for the appearance, in the newborn, of skin spots (hence the name "desires" of these spots), which is of course completely false.

Desires, expression of physiological needs

According to dieticians, the cause of cravings during pregnancy has never been fully established. But one theory holds that the body is naturally aware of its nutritional needs. The desires of women pregnant would serve to satisfy them. During pregnancy, this phenomenon could be amplified, due in particular to hormonal changes, likely to cause some strange food cravings.

During this period, the body consumes some inputs faster and is sometimes in a state of cravings. Deficiencies of iron or calcium create new nutritional requirements. No wonder a women pregnant want red meat, iron-rich vegetables or dairy. Some odors, on the contrary, disgust her because they remind her of indigestible dishes: food whims are therefore often the expression of physiological needs.

An important psychological factor

In late pregnancy, the cause of cravings is rather psychological. She sometimes resides in the need of the future mother to feel loved and pampered.
On the other hand, waiting for a baby means giving up caring only for oneself. Imperative desires are a way to postpone the deadline, being pampered like a princess.

The lies we tell pregnant women | Sofia Jawed-Wessel (April 2024)