April 19, 2024

The first name of the day: Agathe

History of the first name Agathe

St. Agatha was a girl living in Sicily in the third century AD. She refused to give up her vow of chastity to Consul Quintinaus, which resulted in her being sentenced to death. Before being decapitated, Agathe had both breasts cut off. This martyrdom is now the patron saint of nannies and breastfeeding women.

Agathe: a woman of taste

Great seducer, Agathe heals his appearance and dresses with great taste. She is a woman who likes to please and who can sometimes seem to be narcissistic. With a perfectionist temperament, Agathe is demanding and determined. Just as the meaning of the first name Agathe ("brave", in Greek), she knows what she wants and gives herself the means to accede to her ambitions. She is attracted by the material world, but also by intellectual reflection.

Variant and geographical distribution of the first name Agathe

The first name Agathe comes in the forms of Agata, Agate or Agatha. There is also a male form of this first name, Agathon. Agathe is also a surname, since it is the surname of about 800 people. Very European, it is in France, Germany and Greece that the first name Agathe appears most often.

Statistics for firstname Agathe

Uncommon at the beginning of the 20th century, the first name Agathe democratized in the 1960s. It gradually established itself in France and really experienced a peak of popularity in 2000, with more than 1500 babies who were chosen to give a first name as Agathe. In 2009, Agathe ranked 59th in the list of first names the most awarded.

Agatha Moses (April 2024)