April 25, 2024

The first name of the day: Amaury

What do you think of first name Amaury boy? When they are small, the Amaury are very discreet and even introverted. They tend to stay locked in their children's room. They are very creative children. On the other hand, their health is fragile. Very nervous, the Amaury need to spend themselves practicing for example a physical activity.

When they grow up, the Amaury appear calm but they are actually nervous and complex. They are curious, cold, intellectual and skeptical beings. Some are rigid, possessive and stubborn. Others contradict each other frequently and are hesitant.

Amaury love calm, fun, relaxation. In love, they are very reserved and do not always show their feelings and affection.

Wentworth Miller and Amaury Nolasco at Good Day LA (April 2024)