April 20, 2024

The first name of the day: André

Etymology of given name André
André comes from Greek and means "strength and courage". This first name is carried by approximately 363,000 people in France and remains little attributed today. The André is honored on November 30th.

In history we find Saint Andrew, who was the patron saint of sinners and fishmongers. After that first name was one of the most prevalent in the western world because it was both attributed to girls as to boys. Moreover, the dissemination of this first name no doubt owes to the apostle of Christ, whose name was Andrew. A few centuries later, at the beginning of the 20th century, André experienced a peak of popularity in the years 1910-1930. During this period, one boy out of sixteen was named André. He has become today a first name rare in the hexagon.

André is a balanced young man. In his professional life, he likes to make decisions and is very creative. In his personal life, André is very close to his family and needs regular reassurance.

PBB OTSO Day 43: Yamyam, naisip ang couple name nina Andre at Lou (April 2024)