April 20, 2024

The first name of the day: Augustin

Origin of name Augustin
Augustine means "consecrated by omens" and comes from the Latin augustus. This first name is carried by about 18,000 people in France and is today in the top 100 national. Augustine is celebrated on August 28th.

History of the first name
The first name Augustin does not date from yesterday. Indeed, Augustine appeared from the early days of Christianity. In the first centuries St. Augustine was raised by a Christian mother and an unbelieving father. He grew up in a city in Tunisia, in Tagaste. A brilliant student, he taught rhetoric in Milan and converted to Christianity. Subsequently, this first name began to spread, thanks to St. Augustine of Canterbury. In the fourth century he was considered the most important doctor of the Church. In France and across the Atlantic, this first name was very popular in England and France from the 1990s and is back on the front of the scene in recent years.

Character of Augustine
Augustin is a nice man. At work he is very structured and perseverant. In his love life, Augustine loves to take care of the people around him on a daily basis.

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