April 20, 2024

The first name of the day: Boris

If you want to give this baptismal name to your future infant, you must know that the Boris are endearing beings who know how to be loved. A bad family atmosphere can quickly afflict or even disturb the little boys who wear this first name. At this moment, they will try a breakaway in dreams, music or poetry. On the other hand, they are stimulated by an emotional environment and will be happy to take part in family responsibilities. The little Boris can be influenced as well as versatile.

By taking a bottle, Boris becomes an attractive, sociable, communicative and smiling man. Sensitivity, emotivity and tolerance are the main qualities of these future (perhaps) fathers of family. The emotional life is essential for the Boris and when they feel misunderstood or unloved, they lose their energy. Charmeuses, they are flexible and their spirit is sharp and cunning. In short, they are very friendly.

Some famous Boris 

Boris Vian, the author of Ecume des jours
Boris Pasternak, the novelist of Dr. Jivago
Boris Becker, tennis player

It's also a Saint!

Saint Boris was the son of St. Wladimir, ruler of Russia at the beginning of 11th century. He was murdered by his older brother who saw him as a rival. Before he died, he asked to pray for his murderer. He is today the patron saint of Moscow.

The day Boris Johnson became prime minister (April 2024)