April 16, 2024

The first name of the day: Estelle

At the beginning of their lives, the Estelles are girls who fill their parents. When they are overprotected by their familyEstelle can escape their responsibilities. Therefore, it would be desirable for these little girls to practice an artistic activity.

An endearing personality!

Women, who wear this first name daughter, are born to love, to seduce, to please, but also to spread peace in their surroundings. Their attitude is calm and sweet. Pleasant, helpful, affectionate, they look after their physical appearance.

They have a sense of responsibility

Perfectionists and meticulous, they are easily family and professional occupations. They have a sense of communication. Estelle are receptive and sensitive. As for their emotivity and imagination, they are particularly developed. To escape the harsh realities of life, Estelle sometimes dive into their dreams.

Estelle '1980' (April 2024)