April 23, 2024

The first name of the day: Gaston

History of the name Gaston
The first name Gaston, is of Germanic origin. Indeed, it comes from the word "Gast", which means welcoming. Although this first name German, it is in particular attributed to France. Gaston or Saint Vaast, was at the end of the fifth century a bishop of Arras, who would have been the religious instructor of Clovis before his baptism. He died in 540, but several French villages attributed his name (Saint-Vaast or Saint-Vast). Afterwards first name Gaston was less attributed but it became popular in the 1960s, with the refrain of a famous song by Nino Ferrer "the telefon". Saint-Gaston is celebrated on February 6th.
Gaston's character
Gaston is a tenacious boy and has a sense of duty. He is a real businessman and work methodically. Sentimentally, Gaston is reliable and kind, but he can sometimes be emotional because he has a very strong sensitivity. Like the cartoon character Gaston Lagaffe, he can sometimes be awkward and blundering.

Some famous Gaston
Here are some celebrities who wear the first name Gaston: The French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, the publisher Gaston Gallimard, the restaurateur Gaston Lenôtre, the minister Gaston Defferre, the famous cartoon character Gaston Lagaffe, the singer Gaston Ouvrard and the novelist Gaston Bonheur

BELLE AND BEAST VS GASTON IN BOYFRIEND TAG. (From Beauty and the Beast) Totally TV (April 2024)