April 23, 2024

The first name of the day: Manon

We can estimate that this first name girl will be awarded to a infant of 82 in 2012. When they are small, the Manon tend to be unstable and superficial. To be watched by the family. Creative and / or theatrical activities are recommended for these girls. Language learning would also be a good thing.

When they become women, the Manon are lively, friendly, sociable and charming. They have facilities for expression, exchange and discussion but they want to keep their privacy and independence. They are frank and direct but also need to be safe and reassured to break down the barriers. When these barriers have fallen, the Manons are delightful and talkative women.

Gaits and optimists, they like to have fun while distracting those around them. Manon are also curious.

Happy B-day Manon (April 2024)