April 19, 2024

The first name of the day: Ruben

Etymology of first name Ruben
The first name Ruben comes from Hebrew and corresponds to the expression "it's a son!" Worn by about 8000 people in France, it is now one of the top 200 national boy names awarded in 2012. We celebrate the Ruben on August 22nd.

Ruben is the first name the first son of Jacob and his unloved wife Leah, in the Old Testament. He will then be the founding father of the Reubenites, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Until the 17th century, the first name Ruben was exclusively awarded in the Jewish community, before its use was extended. Relatively common in English-speaking payx, the first name Ruben arrived in France recently, around the mid-1960s.

The first name Ruben evokes balance, family sense, ethics, influence and requirement in characterology. These traits make Ruben a sociable and ambitious man, able to mobilize others to conquer new ideas. Ruben are also men who are generally sensitive to beauty and art.

Jesse Ruben - First Day Of Summer (April 2024)