April 25, 2024

The first name of the day to discover: Eloan (first name boy)

First name boy. Eloan, that may have spelled with or without acent on the "E", is a first name extremely rare, since it concerned only 600 births in the country since 1900. this first name Male of Celtic origin means very beautifully "light".

But since the early 2000s, Eloan is growing strongly, the future moms seem to like him, which could propel him to the level of first names in fashion very soon!

Generous, enthusiastic and active, Eloan is also a proud person who can not stand failure. He is often accused of wanting to reap the laurels of his actions, but it is he who is at the source of the initiatives. Eloan loves the concrete, the real, which is why he likes to give directives to others.

This first name has variants: Eloann, Iloan. Its characteristics: relational, intuition, fidelity, mediation, adaptability.

vlog- Q&A answers (April 2024)