April 24, 2024

The girl's first name of the day: Gladys

Profile of the children with the name Gladys

They are alive, demonstrative, affectionate and close to their families. Very early, these girls are responsible, autonomous, enterprising when they feel good. On the other hand, they can rebel for lack of love.

And getting older?

The Gladys are sociable, charming, spontaneous and refined women. But they are capable of the best as the worst because they can be impulsive or rough. The Gladys are independent women who do not like constraints. On the other hand, they enjoy pleasures, adventures and discoveries.

Their color is the number. As for their number, it is 2.

The characterology of this first name feminine: energy, discovery, daring, success, originality.

It's a Girl and Gladys News - Cincinnati Zoo (April 2024)