April 24, 2024

The girl's first name of the day: Lola

Beyond our borders, Lola also has a career in England, Spain and Wallonia. Lola is the fourteenth first name most given girl in France since the beginning of the 21st century. Who are the Lola, whose first name does pain mean in Spanish?

When they are still small, the Lola want to please and need love. The family and their loved ones can trust them. Lola are sometimes introverted beings. Their parents will therefore have to give them a liberal and open communication education.

When they become women, the Lola are shy, secretive. The main mission of those around them will be to tame them. They are not comfortable in society. Possessing a discreet charm, the Lola are natural and strong in their feelings. As soon as they are confident, the Lola will give the best of themselves. These beings are direct and frank but lack spontaneity from time to time. Know that the family environment is very important for Lola.

Update:Leyla give birth to first newborn baby girl name Lola,Welcome newborn Lola in Carbzilla Group (April 2024)