April 24, 2024

The girl's name of the day: Maya

When they are little girls, the Maya are undisciplined, talkative, angry, uncompromising, dirigiste, changeable and poorly organized. What can be done to enable them to manage this overflow of energy? Outdoor exercises and sports.

It will therefore be necessary to adopt a firm attitude while respecting their independence. With a tendency to start everything but end nothing, this trend should not be encouraged. Finally, it would be smart to give him the sense of money very early.

Over the years, the Maya have a passionate character. Not without courage, strength, energy and fighting spirit, they are also authoritarian and determined. They are also independent, sociable, friendly, sparkling, curious and rather against routine. They are often excessive, intolerant and whole.

Mizkif Maya Higa charity stream. Trainwrecks Mizkif Maya Esfand highlight. Xqc rage. Twitch clips (April 2024)