April 20, 2024

The masculine given name of the day: Palmyr

If you are a future mum and that first name very rare is on your list, you should know that the Palmyr are quite introverted and need to feel understood. Audacity, panache and sentimentality are not part of their vocabulary. The Palmyrs are smart, attentive boys. Their critical sense is sharpened. For the Palmyrs, lucidity is a virtue.

It is also important to know that the Palmyrs love comfort and luxury. They do not like to put the cart before the eggs and want time to live and act. Accurate, methodical and even orderly, they put their intelligence and their spirit at the service of their work but also of others.

Before closing, it should be noted that Palmyr are seducers and like to create links.

A SONG FOR MAMA - Next Town Down Mother's Day Special Boyz II Men (April 2024)