April 19, 2024

The name of the day: Bertille

Bertille, a name with many variations

The Germanic sound of first name Bertille can be found in many others first names, all derived from Berthe: Berthilde, Bertfrieda, Berthegonde or Norberte. There is also a male version of first name Bertille : Bertil. Many surnames are also composed from this base: Bertillon, Brecht, Berthes, Barthes or Berton.

History of Saint Bertille

Saint Bertille was a very famous nun, who lived in the seventh century. Queen Bathilde entrusted him with the management of the great Abbey of Chelles, in Seine-et-Marne. Sainte Bertille held this position for almost fifty years.

Bertille, a complex personality

The people who have been chosen to give a first name like Bertille are difficult to define. Oscillating between a male character, very independent and authoritarian, and a feminine character more affective, Bertille changes mood according to his intuition and his feelings. Very sensitive, she needs to be reassured about her performances and abilities. Friendly and pedagogue, Bertille nonetheless keeps a sharp critical sense. Her strong character pushes her to exercise leading or liberal professions.

Evolution of the name Bertille

Very discreet throughout the twentieth century, the first name Bertille began to make a name for itself in the early 1980s. It was a growing success until 2008, the year when we counted the most babies named Bertille. Since then, the popularity of this first name drop again. Anyway, the first name Bertille is very rare, since only about 4000 people first name in France since 1900.

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