April 25, 2024

The name of the day: Chiara

Etymology of given name Chiara
The first name Chiara comes from Latin and means illustrious. This first name is carried by about 6,000 people in France and is even in the top 200 national. The Chiara are celebrated on the day of Santa Claus on August 11th.

This first name which is the derivative of Claire has spread strongly since 2009. Indeed, with the trend of first names short with a finish in a, Chiara is now in the top 200 national. On the other hand, this first name is traditionally used in Italy and Corsica, and the popularity of some Italian actresses, named Chiara, has contributed to its wide dissemination.

Chiara is a reliable young woman with a sense of duty. In her personal life, she can be very sensitive and constantly feels the need to be reassured about her performance and abilities. In her professional life, Chiara is determined and works methodically.

ELLE meets Chiara Ferragni (April 2024)