April 25, 2024

The name of the day: Geoffrey

Meaning of name Geoffrey
The first name Geoffrey comes from the Germanic "peace of God" (god and fried). Even if this first name Today, it is not widely attributed in France, it is carried by 27,000 people. It is often written in this way: Gottfried. Saint Geoffrey is celebrated on November 8th.


Geoffrey's story
It is in noble families in England and Normandy that the first name Geoffrey was one of the first names most attributed to the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Exhausting during the Renaissance, he reappears at the end of the nineteenth century in France. At that time it was often found in the form of Jeffrey. In 1097, Saint Geoffrey was appointed by the pope to occupy the seat of the Church in Amiens. Before dying in 1115, Saint Geoffrey defended the people against the lords of Picardy.


Geoffrey's character
In general Geoffrey is a caring person to others. At work, Geoffrey is a volunteer and sociable. He likes to give advice but also to receive feedback. In love, this one is very warm and wise.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Geoffrey Comebacks (April 2024)