April 19, 2024

The name of the day: Henri

Origin of name Henri
The first name Henri comes from Germanic and means "master of house". This first name very popular is carried by about 167 000 people in France but remains little attributed since the 1960s. We celebrate the Henri July 13 in tribute to a Germanic emperor of the eleventh century named Henry II. This one will work for the propagation of the Christian faith.

History of the first name
Henri was considered a first name royal. Indeed, it was carried by four kings of France, eight English kings and several Castilian and Germanic rulers. It is said that Henri IV was nicknamed "the Green-Galant" in reference to his many mistresses. This king has remained in history because he is considered a king endowed with great political intelligence. He was assassinated in 1610 by a fanatic Catholic named Ravaillac. The people were really touched by his death.

Name character
Henri is a generous and devoted young man. At work he integrates easily with others. He is also very idealistic, whether with his colleagues or in his personal life. In love, he is wise and confident.

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