April 25, 2024

The name of the day: Paola

The first name Paola
The first name Paola comes from Latin and means "small, weak". This first name is carried by about 7,000 people in France and remains relatively unallocated today unlike Italy where the first name Paola is very widespread. The Paola are celebrated on the 26th of January.
Although Paola has spread to Italy, he has also become popular in Spanish-speaking countries. In history we have found Saint Paola Frassinetti (1809-1882) who was an Italian nun of the nineteenth century and who is the founder of the Institute of Sisters of St. Dorothea. Subsequently, this first name began to become popular in France and Belgium in the 1990s. In fact it was thanks to Paola Margherita Maria Antonia Consiglia Ruffo di Calabria who became Queen Paola of Belgium and the wife of the sixth and current King of the Belgians , Albert II in August 1993. Today in France Paola has almost replaced its French equivalent which is the first name Paule.

Paola is a thoughtful young woman, who manages to integrate, whether in her professional or personal environment. Paola is also a very dedicated person to her family.

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