April 19, 2024

The name of the day: Zacharie

Etymology of firstname Zacharie
The first name Zechariah comes from Hebrew and means "God remembers". This first name is carried by about 3,000 people in France and remains little attributed today. The Zechariah are celebrated on November 5th.

In the Old Testament, Zechariah is one of the twelve prophets. He stimulated the rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem. After that first name began to spread among the Christians of the first centuries and moreover Zacharie was illustrated by three saints including an eighth century pope. Over time, this first name disappeared from Western Europe. It was honored in the 17th century, but especially in English-speaking countries. In France Zacharie was little attributed to the twentieth but it began to become popular from the 80s.

Zachariah is a determined man both in his personal and professional life. Courageous and enterprising, he does not like monotony. He also knows how to be diplomatic in his relationship with others.

Zacharie Truttmann-One day (April 2024)