April 24, 2024

Thousand and one spices to perfume his summer dishes

The star anise
Its little aniseed taste that draws in licorice perfumes with delight meats, simmered dishes, but also all light and fresh citrus-based desserts. And for the dressage of your plates, you can count on its pretty form in star.
With its slightly peppery and intense flavor, cardamom gives personality to fish, rice dish, marinades and creamy desserts. Either we use it whole, or we open the pods to grind the seeds that are inside.
The Espelette pepper
Whether for a pasta or rice salad, a club sandwich, a hard egg or even a little cottage cheese sauce, Espelette pepper raises, invigorates and brings the touch that changes everything.
Pink berries
The adorable pink color of these berries adds a little pep in your dishes. On the taste side, its freshness and fragrance sublimate all vegetables.
Cumin delicately perfumes salads and all sweet or salty preparations. Reduced with pestle and then sprinkled on goat cheese, sheep or fresh cow, it's just divine.
Height of thespice multi-purpose, the ginger fresh or confit is used everywhere. Its spicy and fruity flavor offers freshness and lightness to many dishes: custard, meat dishes, fish in foil, chocolate cakes ... do not hesitate!

How to make a Chinese delicious mushroom meal? 甚于肉味的治愈美食,带些雨露的清甜——鸡枞菌|Liziqi channel (April 2024)