April 25, 2024

Tips and tricks to stop hiccups

Hiccups, what is it?

Hiccups are uncontrolled movements of the diaphragm that contracts on inspiration and a tightening of the glottis. The arrival of air is then upset and produces hiccups without gravity most of the time. It can also occur as a result of a meal swallowed too quickly or a state of excitement.

Sometimes, in the mother's womb, the fetus can hiccup and then make strange little strokes. But chronic hiccups can spoil life for over a month and then reveal an abdominal or nervous condition. Fortunately, these extreme cases are rare!

What to do ?

To combat a hiccups which, to be commonplace, is no less irritating, here are some suggestions.
- Someone around you can scare you.
- Concentrate on a particularly absorbing problem.
- Drink a glass of water as slowly as possible.
- Drink a glass of water in which you soak the blade of a knife.
- Drink a glass of water without breathing.
- Drink a glass of water by leaning forward to compress the diaphragm.
- Drink water slowly, continuously, for several minutes until it stops.
- Pinch the little finger of your left hand with the thumb of the same hand. This method is only effective if you follow it at the first hiccups.
- Inhale quietly and exhale several times, relaxing. Block your breathing as long as possible when you are relaxed.
- Soak a sugar with a few drops of vinegar. It's really not good, but it gets rid of hiccups.
- Swallow a spoon of caster sugar.
- Massage the meeting point between the sternum and collarbone. This will compress the phrenic nerve.
- Place an ice cube on your belly.

Our advice
In case of frequent hiccups or hiccups lasting more than 48 hours, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Hiccups | How To Get Rid Of Hiccups (2018) (April 2024)