April 25, 2024

Triplets with eleven years apart, it's possible!

You read correctly ... triplets! The youngest was conceived on the same date as her two big sisters but because there is a but ... her embryo had been frozen.

Some explanations are needed!

More than a decade ago, the couple Lisa and Adrian Shepherd, who lives in Britain, desperately wanted children. After several treatments that were sometimes long and unsuccessful, the woman turned to a specialist and entrusted twenty-four eggs to a Midland clinic. Of the fourteen fertilized embryos, two were implanted in the belly of Lisa Shepherd. From these were born the first two girls.

The desire to babysit resumes a year ago

The couple returned to the clinic where twelve embryos were still frozen. The doctors used a fertilized embryo more than ten years ago. And the miracle happened because themum Bethony and Megan became pregnant again. Three months ago, Ryleigh came to expand the family circle ... almost eleven years after his sisters.

According to the family, the newborn is like an angel.

The strange saga of triplets separated at birth (April 2024)