April 18, 2024

Turkey and pineapple salad

Salad with turkey and pineapple

a recipe proposed by Sandra for CIDEF

(INterprofessional Committee of Turkey French)


Preparation and cooking: 15 minutes
For 4 people
300 g of whites of turkey
200 g ofpineapple drained, diced
300 g of salad of mesclun
2 +2 teaspoons of peanut oil
2 teaspoons of soy sauce
2 pinches of persillade powder
¼ bunch of coriander
1 pinch of Espelette pepper
The juice of a lemon

Cut the whites from turkey into small cubes, and sauté them in a hot skillet, with 2 tablespoons of oil. Salt pepper. Prepare the sauce by mixing the soy sauce, oil, Espelette pepper, and lime juice. In a plate, arrange the mesclun leaves, sprinkle with cubes of turkey and D'pineapple. Finally add the sauce and the persillade.

Turkey Cranberry Pineapple Salad Recipe (April 2024)