April 25, 2024

What is alopecia areata?

If alopecia areata is an inflammatory skin disease, it does however affect people in perfect health elsewhere. The causes are not quite known but the researchers speak of an autoimmune reaction. The antibodies then attack the hair follicles: in most cases, the alopecia areata results in plaques in the hair, hairless areas, for example in the beard or in the eyelashes. More rarely, the alopecia may spread to the entire hair system or attack the nails, which lose their luster and elongated shape.

Environmental factors may well be involved in case of alopecia areata. A viral infection, stress, a chemical attack could be the cause of a "crisis" of alopecia areata. Hereditary factors are also strongly implicated because a subject would have a one in three chance of developing a lifejacket during his lifetime if a family member is affected.

To prevent alopecia attacksthere is no medication. There is no more medicine to permanently eradicate the alopecia areata. During a lifetime, sensitive subjects often trigger several seizures. On the other hand, stress factors should be avoided as much as possible. In case of loss of hair or hair, you can use lotions and remedies but, if they help to strengthen the hair and the hairs, they do not present a miracle solution.

Hair regrowth usually occurs spontaneously after 6 to 8 months. Psychological support is often advised to live well the effects of the loss of hair which reaches both women and men.
Our advice
In case of a fall hair, remember to protect your head from the sun and bad weather. In case of hair loss, protect the area concerned. Because hair and hairs play an active role in the defense of our body.

What causes alopecia? (April 2024)