April 20, 2024

What is November in childhood?

Every year, the month of November welcomeNovember in Childhood", the largest operation organized for the benefit of thechildhood by the number of actors gathered. Sponsored by Emma de Caunes and Samuel le Bihan, the two actors explain why they are involved in this action.
The operation has a dual purpose:
- To make the French aware of the Rights of the Child and the questions of thechildhood disadvantaged
- Raise funds in an alternative way to donations for the benefit of 10 associations help withchildhood : "Action Against Hunger, Handicap International, Help and Action, Soil in Si, Children of the World, Pink Blouses, I Have a Dream, Association against child prostitution, Association of Sister Emmanuelle and the International Catholic Office for L 'Childhood "

Organized from the 1st to the 30th November 2006, as part of the World Day of the Rights of the Child, the 2006 edition is under the sponsorship of the Ministries of Education, Health, Foreign Affairs and the Interministerial Delegation for Family and Children. 'Childhood.

To help :
Special Issue Attention to the March on TF1, the 26th November at 12:10

Early Childhood Development and Family (ECD&F) | November 2016 (April 2024)