April 25, 2024

Why are essential oils not recommended during pregnancy?

Aromatherapy is a gentle medicine and one would be tempted to believe that during pregnancy, it can provide many benefits very gently. However, essential oils, even organic and of high quality, should be used with greater caution, not only during your pregnancy but also during breastfeeding.

Lipophilic and fat-soluble, essential oils can pass into the tissues of your fetus and into breast milk. Each essential oil can therefore cause effects for your baby that you do not suspect.

Essential oils based on phenols, sulfur compounds and aldehydes are irritating to the mucous membranes and should not be used in massages on the skin. Essential oils based on phenols and ketone are neurotoxic if you use them orally.

The effects of certain essential oils are very harmful for the pregnant woman, like the sage which is abortive, because it contains ketone, or even the jasmine which restrains the climbs of milk.

A non-exhaustive list of essential oils to avoid during your pregnancy is: yarrow, garlic, angelica, anise, basil, cedar, camomile, camphor, cinnamon, caraway, coriander, lemongrass (lemongrass), cumin, cypress, lemon eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, hyssop , jasmine, lavender, laurel, mandarin, marjoram, lemon balm, peppermint, spearmint, myrrh, onion, oregano, parsley, rosemary, savory, sage, thyme, verbena ...
Our advice
The use of essential oils during pregnancy and breastfeeding are so delicate that it is better to abstain if you are not guided by a highly qualified professional.

Essential Oils for Pregnancy | How to Use Essential Oils Safely During Pregnancy (April 2024)