April 23, 2024

Why did you agree to be the godfathers?

Samuel, you are godfather of November in Childhood for the second year in a row, why such a commitment?
Samuel le Bihan: Because we do not act effectively on these issues if we do not fit in the long term! The associations that benefit from November in Childhood have already been able to do beautiful things for 2 years, but there will unfortunately still children to help. It's an everyday struggle, parents who take care of raising their children know it. It is a commonplace to say that but a child in difficulty who no one reaches out can hardly become a stable adult and good in his skin.

And you Emma, ​​why do you feel particularly close to the cause of the children?
Emma de Caunes: There is certainly a connection to being a mother myself, but it is also because the most revolting injustices are those related to children. Children do not always have the floor, or at least they do not think they have it, and with regard to the disease, it is obvious that a child must have access to care regardless of his or her environment social. Great associations exist and fight against all the injustices that affect childhood, whether physical or moral, and it seems important to me to be able to relay them, or at least help them to be publicized.

To help :
Special Issue Attention to the March on TF1, November 26 at 12h10

Don't Ever Take Sides Against the Family - The Godfather (7/9) Movie CLIP (1972) HD (April 2024)