May 20, 2024

Why opt for mineral makeup?

Studied for sensitive skin
Initially, these products were intended for skin that had undergone surgery. The reason is simple: these powders are extremely sweet.
They are covering like a foundation, while remaining very light. Minerals allow the skin to breathe as you please, it does not matter if you have the skin oily or dry. You will not have to change products during the seasons.
If you apply this type of product with a brush, you will not even feel like putting on makeup. Say goodbye to the "pot of paint" effect!

Invisible for a nice application
The powders, infinitely light, are without added oil. As a result, they do not deposit film on the face while offering a long outfit. The skin breathe, which is a comfort sometimes difficult to find with conventional products.
Little trick If you want to make sure that a beauty product is primarily a mineral product, you have to check that minerals are at the top of the list in its composition. Ingredients always appear in descending order.

A makeup close to the care
Each cream has different minerals since the benefits are not the same. Here are the three most common:
- zinc: rebalance
- talc: protects
- micas: gives the shine
Some minerals also protect the skin sun (they do not replace a sunscreen either). Some powders can give you a protection factor greater than 15.

In conclusion, as winter approaches your skin begins to tug you. It will therefore be pampered and it is certainly the perfect time to test this kind of product.

Discover our selection of mineral products.

Things You Should Know About Mineral Makeup (May 2024)