May 19, 2024

With water, steam, oven ... 4 ways to cook asparagus

Cooking time varies depending on the size and variety of asparagus. Cooking asparagus white is longer than violets, also longer than green ones. Manual.


This is the cooking method of asparagus favorite across the Atlantic. We whiten asparagus or not before baking for 15 to 20 minutes. They can also be baked in the microwave (8 minutes). In a Pyrex dish, put a stock of water and lemon juice to prevent the asparagus do not blacken.

Cooking with water or so-called English
It is the most used method in Europe. The ideal is to arrange the asparagus boots vertically in the salt water with the tips out of the water. Cooking can take 8 to 20 minutes. When you cook your asparagus with water you can intensify the taste by adding tails. But you have to remove one centimeter from the tip of the stem to avoid the preparation being too bitter.
Steaming is slightly longer than water but it retains vitamins better. Flavored water can also be used with fish or meat broth. The cooking time is between 12 minutes for fines and 18 minutes for fat.

Pan cooking
It is a little used method but which highlights the flavors of asparagus. Just melt a piece of butter in a frying pan and let it slowly cook asparagus cut into pieces.
Tip: to keep the color of asparagus green, it is necessary to bathe them in iced water just after removing them from the cooking water.
Another tip: cooking is complete when the tip of the knife penetrates the base of the stem of asparagus. Then you must pass them under cold water to stop cooking.

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