May 5, 2024

- 3 Kg in 1 week with Valérie Orsoni (day 5): nutrition advice: drink!

Water represents, immediately after the air, the second emergency of life: deprived of air, we can survive only a few minutes: deprived of water, our survival does not usually exceed a few days while we can totally fast for several weeks.
And a good hydration is also one of the secrets of a beautiful skin. The water will allow you to eliminate toxins from your body and find a baby skin with peach cheeks like the stars we see in magazines!
Did you know ?
The water mass is the body of water that our body contains. According to experts, we should be between 70% (high range) and 55% (low range).
Below that, it means that you are dehydrated (or while weighing yourself on an empty stomach without drinking a glass of water or green tea). In this case, I recommend to drink water all day long (a little more than the famous 8 glasses a day), to hold for 3 to 4 days then to re-measure the rate of water mass but in the evening as for the fat level. Because in the evening the balance of the body was restored since you ate, drank and moved. So the percentages of the evening are closer to the truth than the morning.
If you are above 70% then we have the opposite problem, it is possible (although very rare) that you drink too much. In these cases, a reduction in the amount of water drunk, and in one day, you will have reached the right level.
A woman should have a water content between 60% and 65%, compared to 50% and 55% for men. The sensation of thirst appears as soon as your body is dehydrated, Do not wait to be thirsty to drink, because when the signal of thirst resounds, it is already too late: your body is already lacking water! In summary, body water is just like oxygen, critical for our health.

> Other tips thinness of the coach Valérie Orsoni on

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