May 19, 2024

10 easy tips to boost your fertility

1 - Make a check-up at the doctor
Consult your doctor, will determine according to your profile if you have to change some of your habits (sports, diet, tobacco ...) to optimize your chances of being pregnant. It is also useful, so that everything goes well, to make a gynecological control. Stop the pill three months before looking at have a baby to properly prepare the "pitch" and rebalance your cycles naturally.

2 - Make love often
Sexual intercourse at least every 2 to 3 days during ovulation increases the chances of being pregnant. Indeed sperm have an estimated lifespan of 72 hours.

3 - Stop the plans
Women on too restrictive diets may have female cycle disorders or even an absence of ovulation. If you want to lose weight, the best is to go on a diet before looking to have a baby.

4. Relax
Stress can negatively affect fertility or even stop ovulation. Getting into yoga or sophrology can help to relax and promote procreation.

5. Choose the best positions
Privilege the positions where the man is on the woman (missionary type) so that the gravity acts in your favor. Stay on your back for a few minutes after the love and avoid the shower right after.

6 - Eat more balanced
Fruits, vegetables, meat, fish ... A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals prepares your body for a future pregnancy.

7 - Refresh your man
Too much heat in your genitals is detrimental to your sperm production. He must therefore avoid tight pants and too hot baths.

8 - Finding your fertility periods
The ideal time of year to conceive a child is the end of autumn - the beginning of winter. At this time, sperm are more numerous and more mobile. For the woman, it is necessary to identify the time of the ovulation by taking regularly its temperature or via ovulation tests.

9 - Stop smoking
Tobacco is harmful for female fertility (drop in the egg supply, its quality, increased conception time) but also for men (a drop in the quality and quantity of spermatozoa). According to the consumption of cigarettes, a smoker has 10 to 30% less chance of being pregnant than a non-smoking woman.

10 - Do not abuse alcohol and coffee
Drinking more than 2 glasses of alcohol a day harms fertility in both men and women. Excessive consumption of alcohol also decreases libido. On the other hand, too much coffee (6 cups a day) also reduces the chances of having a child.

Fertility Advice for Women: Dr. Sanjay Agarwal (May 2024)