May 8, 2024

All about genital herpes

Genital herpes is an STD that affects the sexual organs: vagina, vulva, cervix, penis, testicles and can spread to the anal area, thighs and buttocks.

An eruption of herpes is manifested by the appearance a multitude of small red vesicles in the mucous membranes that are very painful.

Contamination is through direct contact with these herpes lesions or genital secretions during intercourse. If your partner presents these lesions, only a condom will protect you from contamination.

At first, burning sensations accompanied by itching are felt. The lesions turn into blisters filled with transparent liquid. When they burst, they dry and then form crusts.

The first outbreak of herpes can be very violent and with very high fever and discomfort, the diagnosis can be difficult to establish at first because it can be confused with a urinary tract infection.

A person carrying the virus can contaminate you even if it does not present any lesion. She must inform you.

Pregnant women must be particularly vigilant and watch for the slightest appearance of herpes lesions to avoid transmitting this disease to their baby.

Only anti-viral treatment overcomes herpes. As soon as the first signs appear, consult your gynecologist.

The lesions disappear after a week, healing is longer and occurs after two to three weeks. The treatment does not eliminate the virus from the body. He falls asleep and can reappear at any time.

During the two weeks of the illness, avoid sharing your towels or to touch other people.

Our advice
Condom use is the only way to protect yourself from this STD, so when reporting, avoid contact with other parts of the body that may be contaminated. If your partner has a herpes outbreak, it is best to refrain from taking the risk of becoming infected.

What You Need to Know About Genital Herpes (May 2024)